COLIBRI: Community Livelihood and Biodiversity Recovery
The Community Livelihood and Biodiversity Recovery (COLIBRI) is implemented jointly by ACTED, Blue Resources Trust (BRT), Environmental Foundation (Guarantee) Limited (EFL) and the Green Movement of Sri Lanka (GMSL), with the financial support of the European Union. The project aims to develop management actions and community initiatives in Kayankerni Marine Sanctuary, Bar Reef Marine Sanctuary, and the Knuckles Conservation Forest. Activities in Kayankerni are led by BRT and aim to develop an MPA management plan, identify implementation strategies, conduct education and awareness programs and support the development of sustainable livelihoods for local communities. The project will promote the sustainable fisheries and tourism by developing monitoring mechanisms and livelihood activities that conserve marine ecosystems. The project will also conduct new research, consolidate scientific resources online for the wider public and leverage findings for policy advocacy and post-project forward planning.
Key Activities: Field surveys, preparation of a draft Management Plan for DWC, livelihoods support, education and awareness programs
Period: 2021-2023
BRT - TCG Coral Reef Monitoring
Since 2016 the Blue Resources Trust (BRT) has been engaged in annual reef monitoring of coral reefs in and around Kayankerni Marine Sanctuary with the financial support of the Tokyo Cement Group. A main focus has been collecting long term data on coral health and fish populations to understand changes over time and identify causes of change in order to better inform management decision making. BRT has also developed detailed GIS based maps of the coral reefs of the area and supported the mapping of Kayankerni reef as a pilot project under the Allen Coral Atlas. Results from field surveys have supported the declaration of Kayankerni Marine Sanctuary and continues to support the development of a management plan for the MPA.
Key Activities: coral reef monitoring, coral reef mapping
Period: 2016 onwards
ORCA - Dilmah Conservation Reef Surveys
The Ocean Resources Conservation Association (ORCA) supported by Dilmah Conservation conducted a series of rapid reef surveys in 2011 and 2012 to assess the distribution and health of coral reefs around Kayankerni. These rapid surveys aimed to provide baseline information for further research and identify management needs and options for the area by documenting biodiversity and identifying threats to the coral reefs. These surveys played a role in identifying Kayankerni as an ecologically significant coral reef and initiated the process of declaring the current Kayankerni Marine Sanctuary by the Department of Wildlife Conservation.
Key Activities: coral reef habitat surveys
Period: 2011-2012